Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Group Meeting!

Hello Blog, 

This week we did our first group meeting. Our teacher made groups so everyone could get some feedback on how our film opening projects were going. I met with four other girls: Omer, Anastasia, Miranda, and Sofia S. I loved working with them and receiving their feedback. I also loved that I got a chance to share my feedback with them to help them further develop their projects. Something I found really interesting was how they are all thinking of doing Horror/Thriller film openings. It was really interesting to hear their approaches, one girl had a really cool idea about making her opening a series of visions that the main character was having. We all pitched in and helped her develop her idea even further.

They all gave me some really interesting insights to my own project. I told them about how my group was still discussing what to do but that we knew we wanted to use a car. They all suggested really helpful ways to incorporate a car such as closeups and different angles. I'm getting more and more exited to work on this project the more I develop it. They were a huge help and I'm really glad we got to work together. I loved this activity it was really helpful, and I loved getting to know more girls in my class. I hope we get to do something like this again! 

Here is a picture we took together!

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Hello blog! I'm starting the research for my CCR. I did miss this lesson while I was at STN so shout out to the amazing Lee for giving m...