Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Character Theory!!!

Hello Blog,

In this post I'm going to talk about character theory,

For our projects, we are supposed to choose a media theory that we're going to incorporate into the project. The first theory that came to mind was the character theory. I want to show a lot of character traits, and development through the opening. We are showing three characters in our opening the "Hero", the "Villian" and the "Princess". 

The Hero

The main character is going to be the nerd who is obsessed with making fantasy comics, he is in love with his neighbor and tries to include her in the comics that he makes. We want to include many elements that represent him in the opening such as art materials and little things that represent him. As he is obsessed with the fantasy world, he often draws himself as the hero in many of his comics. In my research for characters, I learned that there are different types of heroes. These characters often suffer from misfortune at the beginning of the story but embark in a journey. In this case, our hero is bullied by the villain, this sparks the beginning of some type of journey, in this case the journey of self-discovery and the path to love. There’s many examples of the heroes in media, for example Peter Parker, Superman, amongst many others.

The Villain

Another big character in our film opening is going to be the villain. The villain usually starts some sort of misfortune at the beginning of a story. In this case it will be the fact that he bullies our main character. Not only is he a villain in the hero's fantasy world, but he is also a villain in his real life, too, which is why our main character imagine as a villain in his comics. Some examples of villains in media are the wicked witch in Wizard of Oz, Thanos from Marvel’s endgame, and a typical bully in any coming of each film.

The Princess

Another character we included her from opening is the princess. In my research I found out the princess is usually the sought for person. She doesn’t necessarily have to be a victim. Well, a lot of of the princesses and body the stereotype of damsels in distress, they don’t always have to be. The princess is just usually the main love interest, and the sort out for person. There are many examples of this in media for example, any Disney princess.

There are many ways the character theory could be used in media. It is mainly used for understanding, media and characters in films. It is useful for analyzing and understanding characters in immediate text. I’m very excited to be able to incorporate many different ways in which I can develop my characters further in my film opening. Stay tuned to find out more about my project in the future!

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Hello blog! I'm starting the research for my CCR. I did miss this lesson while I was at STN so shout out to the amazing Lee for giving m...