Sunday, February 2, 2025

Film Opening Research

 Hello blog,

Welcome to my second post regarding the film opening project. 

In further research for this project, my group and I have decided to either do drama or a coming-of-age film opening.


In my research, something that I found when it comes to drama movies is that usually the movie starts with some sort of showing of scenery or a montage of some sort. An example of this is the movie, Forrest Gump.  In this film opening a feather is floating around the city while the credits are rolling and there’s music playing this feather continues floating around while we’re showing different buildings and different people until it lands between Forrest Gump’s feet. This is when we’re first introduced to the main character of the film, he then grabs the feather and puts it inside of a book. This film opening showed all the credits, it had music that said the tone for the rest of the film and then introduce the main character. Something that a lot of drama films do in their opening scenes.

While researching coming of age movies one of the examples that I watched was the process of being a wallflower. In this movie, it opens with a black frame the sounds of a typewriter then the credit start. Once the main few people are introduced, we see the rest of the credits while music starts playing and scenery is shown until we are introduced to the main character and the movie continues to start. 

Something that’s common in both of the films that I watched is that both of the film openings have music in them and both of them show some sort of scenery before introducing the main character or the main subject in the film. This is something that I plan to incorporate in my opening. Maybe not necessarily the showing of scenery, but the way the movie and the credits are presented in the film is something that I will take into consideration when you doing my own film opening.

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