Friday, January 31, 2025

Film Opening

 Hello Blog!

We are beginning the process of the Portfolio Project.

I'm pretty excited for this project, we've been learning about film openings a lot lately and I can't wait to begin the process. I'm most likely going to work with the same group I worked with on my marketing project! I think we work really well together and I'm confident that we can make a really good film opening. 

Here are some of my notes:

An approach I’d like to try with this project is maybe doing some sort of montage or showing different scenes at the beginning of the film opening, I’ve seen this traditionally done at the beginning of coming-of-age films or dramas so it’s something that I’m excited to potentially try out!

I’ll keep you posted on my progress and I’m excited to see where I go with this project!

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Hello blog! I'm starting the research for my CCR. I did miss this lesson while I was at STN so shout out to the amazing Lee for giving m...