Friday, August 30, 2024

Camera Shots/Angles Quiz

Hello Blog,

For this assignment we were instructed to take 15 pictures of different shots and angles focusing on an inanimate object to demonstrate our knowledge. 

My partner and I decided to tell a story of a marker sadly left behind, it then found a friend who also forgotten, and they happily reunited with their friends.

I think we did well coming up with the different shots to tell our story in the way we wanted to. We used specific angles and shots to convey the marker's journey. When the marker fell on the floor, we used a high angle from the table to the floor to show the distance that it fell. My favorite shot we used was a POV shot when the marker discovers that there is another forgotten marker near it. We also tried using effects to better convey the marker's feeling. We used a blur effect to make a "flashback" effect on a shot where the marker remembered being with its friends. Somethings I feel we could have done better were the establishing shot, the framing of the shots, and the focus on the extreme close up shot.

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