Hello Blog!
For this blog post, I’m gonna talk about set design. We ran into a problem. We don’t exactly know where we are going to film some of the scenes. We already established that the main room that we’re gonna use is Lee’s office however we’re struggling to find a room to do Aurora scenes. We were supposed to do it in my house, however, due to a competition called STN we are not able to film until after we come back. So we were talking about splitting the filming with Lee and Mackenna and seeing if they’re able to film some of horror scenes while we’re gone. However, it doesn’t look like we’re gonna be able to do this because we can’t use Lee’s office for both of the scenes since we plan to use different angles and different shots in order for the rooms to look completely different. Instead of filming separately, we’re probably gonna film when we come back. Meanwhile, Madison and I are at STN keeping up on the progress that they’re doing back home while we’re gone. They’re working on some set to sign and building some props in order to be able to film as soon as we come back and be ready on time.
Here are some pictures of STN!
I'll you posted on my groups progress, until next time!
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