Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Group Meetings

 Hello blog!

 Today we had our second group meeting and we discussed CCR's and we updated each other on the post-production process of our film openings. In my group I worked with Vicky Aiden Nati and Victor. We also shared our blogs and we reviewed them to see each other's process and get caught up on everyone's film openings. We gave each other a lot of really useful feedback on the editing process and we were able to watch a bit of everyone's film openings and they all looked pretty well done so far.

After talking about film openings for a while we shifted the conversation towards CCR's. most of us didn't really know what we were going to do however I did end up coming up with a few ideas and they helped me develop them a little further. As I talked about in my previous blog, one of my CCR’s is going to be me putting a bunch of questions in a jar randomly taking them out on answering them.  for the other one I think I'm going to do an interview with myself in order to answer the next couple questions but I still haven't fully decided I will talk about that more in  my upcoming blogs.   Despite our lack of ideas at the group meeting I still think that everybody left the group meeting with at least some sort of idea of what to do for one other CCR's meaning that the meeting was successful and quite useful.

Here's a picture of my group!

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Question 4

  Hello blog! In this blog post I'm going to be answering my final CCR question: how did you integrate technologies – software, hardware...