Monday, September 30, 2024

One Word Film

Hello Blog,  

The One Word Film Project was a project in which we were assigned a word, and we were instructed to create a video with no dialogue that would demonstrate that word. We created a story board in which we created a sequence of shots in order to clearly tell the story. 

The word I was assigned was Awe.

The first step in creating this project was filling out a brainstorm sheet. This sheet was meant to help establish what the story was going to be, it included a brief description of the first fifteen shots and some possible editing techniques. 

The next step was creating a storyboard. The storyboard was a really helpful organizational and planning tool. It helped set exactly how the shots would look like and helped us have an established plan for shooting. 

After recording all the video, I used Adobe Premiere Pro to edit the clips together.

This was a really fun project, I really enjoyed coming up with a story and being able to film and edit. I learned how to plan better and how preproduction shouldn't be rushed. Something I would improve on was time management while filming and including more scenes in the storyboard.

The final video is attached below. 



Hello blog! I'm starting the research for my CCR. I did miss this lesson while I was at STN so shout out to the amazing Lee for giving m...